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3 Tips For Protecting Your Eyes During The Winter

We typically worry about staying warm during the winter months, and think less about protecting our eyes. However, the winter months can be as hard on our eyes as the summer months.

Here are three things you can do to protect your eyes during the winter months.

Tip #1: Don’t Let Your Eyes Dry Out

During the winter, our eyes are constantly exposed to blowing, dry, hot air that can cause them to become parched and irritated. Here are a few remedies:

  • Keep eye drops handy to moisturize your eyes.
  • Distance yourself from direct heat sources while sitting.
  • Use a humidifier to help alleviate dryness.

Tip #2: Wear Sunglasses With UV Protection

UV rays in the winter can harm our eyes. In fact, they can do even more harm when they’re bouncing off snow. Wear sunglasses when you’re outside, or driving, to protect your eyes from UV rays. This is especially important as days lengthen into spring and the sun gets more intense.

Not sure if you have the proper protective sunglasses? Come see us! We can help you find something that’s both effective and stylish.

Tip #3: Goggles Protect In Three Ways

Goggles not only protect our eyes from UV rays, but they also help keep our eyes from drying out from the winter wind. In addition, think about all those errant branches, twigs, tree limbs, and slush full of gravel that can severely injure our eyes upon contact. It just makes good sense to wear quality goggles. Don’t neglect them!

And By The Way… Protect Your Skin Too!

We’re as concerned about your whole body health as we are about your vision health. So remember to not only protect your eyes from the winter sun’s effects, but protect your skin as well:

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Questions? Let’s Visit

If you have questions about the different types of winter protective eyewear available, give us a call! We can help you find the right gear to keep your eyes safe and healthy.

Thanks for being a valued part of our practice family!